
  • When To Hire A DWI Attorney

    Driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous and can be deadly to both drivers, passengers, and other people on the road. However, there are many times when people have one too many drinks and end up driving anyway. If someone has a blood alcohol content level of .08% or more when they are pulled over, they can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI).
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  • What Are Ignition Interlock Devices And How Do They Work?

    If you've been charged with a driving under the influence (DUI) offense, you may be required to have an ignition interlock device installed on your vehicle if you are found guilty. This device allows you to keep your driving privileges (at least for work), while satisfying the court that you won't be drinking and driving. You'll be required to purchase the device and have it installed as well as pay the monthly monitoring fee.
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  • Do BUI Laws Cover All Boats?

    While it may be nice and relaxing to have a few beers while puttering around the lake in your boat, boating under the influence is against the law. In most states, you'll face the same exact consequences as driving while under the influence if you're caught drinking and boating by the Coast Guard or marine police. Strangely enough, though, some boats are excluded from BUI laws, meaning you won't get in trouble if you're caught drinking while piloting them.
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  • Are You Wanted For A Crime In Another Country? Learn More About Extradition

    If you're a U.S. citizen that's wanted in another country for a crime, do you have anything to fear? Possibly. Many countries have extradition treaties with the United States, which allows them to formally ask the U.S. to surrender you for trial and punishment. Here's what you should know if you're worried about being shipped off to another country for trial: Countries don't like to extradite their own citizens. The United States wouldn't extradite its own citizens prior to World War II.
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  • 3 Myths About Criminal Defense Attorneys Debunked

    When it comes to criminal law, there are a lot of grey areas and misconceptions. If you have been accused of a crime and are in need of an attorney, you most likely have a lot of questions about criminal defense attorneys. While there are myths floating around about nearly all types of law and lawyers, criminal defense attorneys tend to get some of the worst rumors spread about them. Below, three highly common myths about criminal defense attorneys are debunked, so you can feel better about hiring one to defend you and your case.
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  • 5 Things You Should Know About Social Media And The Police

    You may consider what you post to your friends on your social media accounts to be protected speech and private. However, you would be wrong. Here are five reasons you should be very careful about what you post, even if you consider yourself a law-abiding citizen. 1. Police scan social media to gather information. Police officers now have special software to track social media for evidence of various types of criminal activity in real time.
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  • Have You Become A Partner In Serious Crime?

    Things started innocently for you at least. You may have only wanted a pal or a love interest to make your life feel complete. Now you are helping someone engage in seriously illegal activity, perhaps even something violent. How did things come this far and what can you do? You Were Chosen If you have partnered up with someone who has antisocial traits, they probably chose you as a potential partner, whether as a friend, lover, or spouse.
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  • Mistakes to Avoid If You Are Facing Sexual Harassment in a Workplace

    Sexual harassment is a criminal offense. You have the right to take legal action against the person who is harassing you. Hiring a criminal lawyer is a good way of starting your legal redress process, but you can also make the process easier by avoiding these mistakes: Not Showing That the Behaviors Is Unwanted Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, and the best way of showing that a behavior is unwelcome is to tell the harasser to stop.
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  • Defending Yourself Against Criminal Charges

    If you have been accused of a crime, your first step is to find a defense attorney who can help you with the case. The attorney can look at the facts of your case and try to conjure a defense strategy that can help you avoid a guilty verdict, or at least reduce the punishment handed down to you. The law requires that all charges against you are proven beyond reasonable doubt.
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  • Three Harsh Truths About Medical Marijuana Laws That You Should Know Before You Travel

    If you're a medical marijuana patient, traveling to and from work or vacation can present some unusual problems. Even if medical marijuana is legal in your state, you can end up facing drug charges over a traffic stop. Here are 3 harsh truths about medical marijuana you should know before you hit the road. 1.) It isn't legal to drive while on medical marijuana. Depending on the state that you live in, the mere presence of any marijuana in your system is enough to convict you on a driving under the influence (DUI) charge.
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